There are plenty of milestones to hit before you take a run stroller out for its maiden journey: Doctors often suggest babies should be between 6 and 9 months old to protect their backs and necks; research suggests that postpartum women wait 12 weeks to begin running again after delivery.

“A mobility and strength training program is a must before returning to running. It should consist of postural re-education, breath and core retraining, and lower extremity stability, explains Jessica Babich, P.T., D.P.T., co-founder of Chelsea Method, a first fourth-trimester rehab protocol. “Before running with a stroller, you should also see how your body reacts to a gradual running progression. Running with a stroller requires more energy, so it is important to tolerate non-stroller running first.”

Once you’re back on the road and ready to have your baby join you? Keep these 10 pointers, from physical therapists, run coaches, and trainers, in mind.