It’s hot.

Heat waves from coast to coast.

The shiny things in your car are not friendly. And your sweaty back is becoming permanent. There is a faint rumor on Instagram that the trails are cool and tacky somewhere else but it seems like that’s a far-flung fantasy. The leaves are changing colors in the Northwest, but Colorado and California are having a tough month and the border is still closed. As the dark comedy of 2020 continues, I am here to conclude, everyone has lost their minds.

So, welcome to your late August daydream. The images that follow are meant to be an escape from wherever you are right now. An ode to the pow turn—whether it’s a perfect one turn wonder for the camera, or smashing day-old leftover stashes with your friends. These are a small reminder of what it feels like to disappear for a hot moment. Join me for a mid-summer escape.