Have you stopped to think about your own heart lately? No, not the love you feel in your heart, but how the organ is actually functioning. The heart is by far the most important muscle in your body, yet so many people take for granted its 24/7 job.
“Without your heart, of course, all other functions fail,” says cardiologist Steven R. Gundry, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of The Plant Paradox (Harper Wave, 2017) and founder of Gundry MD. “All other muscles cannot receive oxygen and nutrients from blood — even the muscles of the intestines and diaphragm get all their power from the action of the heart muscle.”
As a heart surgeon, Gundry has spent his career repairing or replacing failed hearts while also supporting them through diet and supplement recommendations. As such, he knows firsthand how vital the proper care and feeding of the heart is to living a healthy lifestyle.