This article originally appeared on Eirtree.
As temperatures begin to dip in many parts of the country, and the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to bear its teeth to communities all across the globe, now is the time to take your vitamin routine seriously.
In addition to what has been the most widespread and serious pandemic in most of our lifetimes, flu season is quickly approaching. Unfortunately, the ‘20/’21 seasonal flu can’t read the room, and will be landing in its typical sniffley, sneezy fashion come November. This year, however, if you come down with the flu (or any sort of illness that arrives with colder weather) it could potentially be a much bigger deal than usual.
Lowered immunity makes you more susceptible to illness like the Coronavirus, and the outcomes could be catastrophic. If we somehow do contract this novel virus, we need to be in peak immunity-shape. That’s why we’re taking a bit of advice from Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and setting ourselves up for success by preparing our immune system.
In a recent interview, Fauci recommends combining two vitamins to supplement our body’s natural defense mechanisms: Vitamins D & C. Let’s dive into what each of these key components can do for us:
Vitamin D has the ability to reduce the risk of infections like Influenza (the flu) and Coronavirus, and it has a lot to do with controlling the body’s inflammatory response to immune invaders. This study contributes that Vitamin D deficiency is at its peak during the winter months, just when our immune systems need the most help.
Vitamin C is a powerhouse that helps eliminate free radicals from our systems and fuels the production of white blood cells (the type that fight off viruses of all kinds). When we start to feel ill, most of us jump to boost our immunity using Vitamin C. This time, lets make sure we are one step ahead of the bacteria and viruses that knock our immune systems off their game.
Back to Dr. Fauci – he personally takes Vitamin D to make sure he is not in a deficient state, and he also recommends combining this with Vitamin C in order to produce a regimen that is proven to keep our immune systems in a consistently prepared state.
In order to dial in your personal vitamin program, you need to be sure that both Vitamins D and C are absorbing into your system efficiently, effectively, and safely. Eirtree’s hypo spray technology, which was developed in tandem with veterans of the pharmaceutical world, delivers vitamins through your skin in under a minute. Their products are designed to deliver vitamins (and only vitamins) to your system, so you can be confident in what you are putting in your body.
Preparing your immune system for the upcoming months isn’t just a “good idea”, like it would be any other season – this year, it is essential. Eirtree can guide you in customizing your vitamin regimen, and get you on the path to success quickly.