LifeToGo is proudly partnering with The Mental Health Coalition. The following is from their Resource Library.
It’s been a challenging time, and now that we are in the midst of winter, with less sunlight, many of us are still contending with a feeling of uncertainty in the year 2021. Many of us still feel overwhelmed, knowing that while we may have built some new resiliency strategies over the past year, the months ahead may require more from us, for a longer period of time. We may feel sad, frustrated or scared by this.
My own journey has been much the same. While I am grateful when I see signs of hope and resilience around me -- the kindness of strangers, the loving support of friends—I have to admit that I am tired of having to look for signs to reassure and steady myself. I have personally experienced great losses this year, and my winter involved holidays without several people whom I love, and our usual traditions. And even with this, I know from my worst experiences that difficult moments pass, even when we can’t see a clear path ahead.