This article originally appeared on Eirtree.
On a list of “top 10 most annoying phenomenon”, alongside things like “losing a sneeze” and forgetting what you were just about to say, a high ranking annoyance is likely the same for most: not being able to fall asleep. We have all been there…tossing and turning, hot and cold, a racing mind unable to slow down after a long and busy day.
Maybe it was the 4pm iced coffee, or a feeling of trepidation for tomorrow, but more often that not the culprit is the same: screens, screens, screens.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, our smartphones are sabotaging our ability to fall asleep, citing that it keeps our mind “psychologically engaged” and that certain alerts/stimuli actually delay REM sleep. Both of these points are relatively obvious, but their third claim is where it gets interesting: “blue light from the screen suppresses melatonin.” Let’s unpack that.
Melatonin is a hormone produced by our brains “in response to darkness”. It’s main role in our everyday (and night) lives is to be the timekeeper for our circadian rhythm, or internal clock, that tells us when to sleep and wake. Blue light is what most of our electronics use and according to Harvard Health, is “beneficial during daylight hours because they boost attention, reaction times, and mood”.
The exposure to blue light all day and well into the night, especially right before we go to sleep, stifles the natural production of melatonin. Its like we are walking through Time’s Square and suddenly someone turned the lights out. Its uncomfortable and frankly, annoying.
Sometimes, avoiding screens in the hours before bed is unavoidable, and that is just one of the many reasons a melatonin supplement can be useful (other reasons include jet lag, anxiety, sleep disorders, and introducing a new schedule). If the goal is to fall asleep fast, stay asleep longer, and wake up more refreshed, then you need a supplement that delivers melatonin to your system quickly and effectively.
If you have melatonin pills or powered supplements in your medicine cabinet, they aren’t going to do the trick. Only 15% of orally ingested melatonin actually absorbs into your system – that is 85% of the supplement’s potential benefit down the drain, lost in our GI tract shortly after swallowing due to a process called “first pass metabolism”. So, if you’re laying awake wondering what is wrong with your brain, its time to change your melatonin method.
Eirtree’s Hypo Melatonin is the fastest and most effective route to a good night’s sleep. The proof is in the skin spray technology. Instead of the average absorption rate of 15% in oral pills, Hypo Melatonin skips the GI tract entirely and melatonin is delivered directly through the skin at a 99.9% absorption rate. It works quicker too – about 30-60x quicker. Oral melatonin takes somewhere between 30-60 minutes to show results, and Hypo Melatonin’s skin spray shows results in approximately 1 minute.
While our busy inboxes and late night FaceTimes might not always allow for an evening screen-hiatus, we still deserve a peaceful and restorative night’s sleep. After you jump into your PJs and brush your teeth, make sure to use a quick spray of Hypo Melatonin, and you’ll begin to feel sleepy…very, very sleepy…